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  • 24 Hours in Toronto An Adventure is Calling
    Canada,  Destinations,  International Travel,  North America,  Our Adventures

    24 Hours in Toronto (in November)

    Have you ever missed a connecting flight? In another country? How did it work out? This happened to me and my husband on our way to our babymoon in Paris. Our flight was a little delayed out of LAX, then we sat on the tarmac in Toronto for 45 minutes. After running through the airport while pregnant (something I wished I hadn’t done, in hindsight) and being rushed through Canadian customs, we (and about 10 other people from our first flight) arrived at our boarding gate 1 minute after they closed the doors. Our airplane was there, but we couldn’t get on it. Thus began our 24 hours in Toronto!…

  • 3 Reasons to Visit Paris in the Fall An Adventure is Calling Blog Banner
    Destinations,  Europe,  France,  International Travel,  Our Adventures

    3 Reasons to Visit Paris in the Fall (and 3 Things to Keep in Mind)

    Paris in the fall! Is it a good idea? After spending a week in Paris near the end of November, I am happy to share that I do think it is a great idea! While we are glad we went for it (because of the 3 reasons I share about in this post!), there are also a few things to keep in mind (which I also share in this post!). In other words, I’ll share both the good and “the bad” (although “the bad” wouldn’t keep us away!). My husband and I knew we wanted to go on a babymoon when I was pregnant with our daughter, and we needed…

  • Materinty Photoshoot in Paris Flytographer An Adventure is Calling New Blog Banner
    Destinations,  Europe,  France,  International Travel,  Our Adventures,  Vacation Photo Shoots

    Maternity Photo Shoot in Paris: Flytographer Review + $25 Coupon Code

    Here for the $25 coupon code? Create an account through my referral link to receive $25 off your first photo shoot, or enter code ANADVENTURE at checkout. My husband and I love to capture memories on vacation, so having a Flytographer photo session done in Paris was perfect for us. Who doesn’t love capturing photo memories? Whether you use a fancy camera or your iPhone (which are also pretty fancy these days), capturing moments is something that you most likely find valuable too. A few months before our babymoon trip to Paris, I came across a mention of Flytographer on Facebook. I had never heard of it but was ecstatic…

  • 4 Packing Must-Haves An Adventure is Calling Blog Banner
    Gift Guides,  Our Adventures,  Travel Resources

    4 Packing Must-Haves for Easy Travel

    Packing. People seem to either love it or hate it. I am the type of person who loves it, but only if I’m able to stay organized. I can’t stand an overflowing suitcase, where everything is mixed together. Often a suitcase is nice and tidy when you first pack it but then a tornado seems to take over by the end of your trip. You can’t find that cute sundress you packed for your last night out (or you found it, but it’s a wrinkled mess), your dirty clothes are mixed with your clean clothes, and your toiletries have leaked. Just typing this intro causes me stress! Here are my…

  • 5 Tips for Traveling Internationally with Food Allergies An Adventure is Calling Blog Banner
    International Travel,  Our Adventures,  Travel Resources,  Traveling with Food Allergies

    5 Tips for Traveling Internationally with Food Allergies

    Food allergies… they are a pain. Many people (myself included) get nervous when traveling (especially internationally) when food allergies are a part of their everyday concerns. But they don’t have to get in the way of your travels! And they certainly do not need to stop you from going on an amazing adventure! As someone who deals with this, I can attest to the fact there are few things as stressful as being in a foreign country, hungry, with no idea what to do about it. I’ve been in this situation too many times. Should I just go hungry? Should I cheat and eat something that I know will make…