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How to Hike the Narrows at Zion

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park Utah - An Adventure is Calling Blog

Of all the national parks my husband and I have visited together, Zion National Park is one of our favorites. It is located in southwest Utah and its red cliffs are absolutely stunning (everything we hoped for and more!). We visited the park for two days during our road trip across southern Utah, and we knew long before we visited that we wanted to spend a day hiking the Narrows while we were there.

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The Narrows (a narrow gorge) is a hike that requires you to wade through the Virgin River, between canyon walls that are a thousand feet tall. Sound awesome?! It is! You can wade around the river for a few minutes or hike to the end (to Big Spring, which is strenuous and 10 miles round-trip). Most people turn around after the first 1-2 miles. My husband and I hiked 4 miles in and out (8 miles round-trip), and we loved every minute of our adventure. It was beautiful! If you’re planning to camp or hike from the top down, you will need a wilderness permit.

We visited in June, which was a lovely time of year for the hike, as there were no flash flood warnings that day (it is rare to experience flash floods in the summer, and you should not hike the Narrows if there is any chance of rain). Southern Utah is hot this time of year (it was 108F in the park that day), and it is also peak tourist season, but we had an amazing experience despite the heat and crowds (if you’re going to be at a national park during the heat of the summer, you might as well stay cool in the Narrows!).

If you aren’t able to hike the Narrows, you can still grab a peak of them! Take the shuttle to the Temple of Sinawava and hike the waved pathway for one mile (stroller and wheelchair friendly!). I’m excited to share about our experience in the Narrows! Click here to read our complete itinerary for Zion National Park!


How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park


How To Get There & When To Arrive

The shuttle system at Zion National Park is incredibly easy to use (and free once you’re in the park!). You’ll take the shuttle to the Temple of Sinawava, which is a nice little stop with restrooms. Hike the paved pathway for a mile, and then you’ll arrive!

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

Start early! The shuttle ride is about 40 minutes long. We arrived at 7am, and a large line was already forming, but it was early enough that we were able to catch a shuttle quickly. We were in a crowd of people as we started the hike, but the crowds thinned out as everyone hiked at their own pace. We were able to experience several moments of peace and quiet during our hike. On our way out, the Narrows were packed!

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

What To Wear

It’s really important that you plan ahead and dress properly if you hope to successfully make it past the beginning of this hike! We wore swim suits and moisture-wicking shorts and shirts. We both wore a long-sleeved shirt over our short-sleeved shirts (I woke a tank top underneath). Avoid cotton! It’ll get wet at the beginning of your hike, and you’ll be soaked (and cold) for the rest of the day. I typically prefer cotton over polyester-type clothing, but I’m glad I left my cotton at my campsite for this hike! I would not wear pants (even leggings). Everyone we saw who wore them looked weighed down and miserable. Remember that you’re wading through a river!

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

It was cold in the morning, and we both kept our long sleeved shirts on for a majority of our hike (it was only during the last hour that we felt warm and took them off, even though it was 108F in the park that day).

Shoes are arguably the most important item to get right! You will not get far in your flip-flops- so don’t even try! We wore gym/running shoes and were totally happy! Do not wear sandals of any kind (even hiking sandals). We almost did and then changed our minds after reading reviews. You will be walking on sharp rocks all day, and you’ll wind up with cuts all over your feet.

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

There are several companies in the area that will rent you neoprene shoes and socks. Before our trip, I read several reviews suggesting them. We didn’t get them, and we are really happy that we didn’t. We were completely comfortable in our running shoes, but we saw people constantly stopping to take off their rented shoes to dump the water out. Your feet will get wet, and we were happy that the water could freely flow in and out of our shoes throughout the day. Dumping the water out of our shoes constantly just didn’t look appealing!

I wore long wool hiking socks and wouldn’t change a thing about my choice! My husband was happy with his running shoe choice, but he wishes he had worn longer socks. His were ankle length, and he had a problem with small rocks in making their way into his shoes all day (I didn’t with my longer socks!).



What To Bring

Bring plenty of drinking water (we used our Camelbaks) and easy-to-eat snacks. I personally wouldn’t bring your nicest camera. That might be hard advice to follow, but you’ll be wading through a river all day (possibly above your head!), so keep in mind that anything you bring could get wet. You’ll definitely want to snap photos though! We brought one of our iphones and kept it in a water proof case around our neck.

We kept our stuff in a small dry bag inside our small back pack. There were areas where we waded through water that was up to our shoulders (I’m 5’6”) and had to hold the bags above our head.

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

I would highly recommend a hiking pole! I never liked them, but my husband brought one along, and I wound up using it the entire time! You’ll be hiking on slippery, uneven rocks all day, and the hiking stick will keep you steady. So many people were struggling, and I was glad my husband had the sense to bring one along (and that he let me use it all day!). 😊 If you do opt to rent shoes and socks, a hiking pole will likely be included!

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

Tips For Families

We hiked the Narrows before our baby girl was born, but we would definitely go back with her (but we wouldn’t go quite as far until she’s much older).

My biggest tip is to hold on to your kids! We saw several kids during the hike, and we were impressed with how well most of them were doing! I think anyone around the age of 8 years old and older could do a majority of this hike with help from an adult. The younger kids were struggling and were getting carried through many sections of the river by adults. We saw two babies on people’s backs near the start of the hike, but we imagine that they didn’t go too far.

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

The beginning of the hike is very shallow, so I do recommend playing around in the Narrows near the beginning, if nothing else. Be sure to pack the proper shoes for your entire family!

How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park - An Adventure is Calling

I hope you’re inspired and ready for your own adventure in the Narrows! If you’re visiting Zion National Park during the hot summer months, there is truly no better place to be!

Have you hiked the Narrows? Or do you have another favorite hike at Zion? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

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How to Hike the Narrows at Zion National Park Utah - An Adventure is Calling



  • Jane Dempster-Smith

    Excellent tips here about hiking the narrows at Zion. I could not believe how early you had to get there, and even then there was a queue. The scenery looks beautiful. I love your photos. Thanks.

    • Leah

      Yes, Zion NP is a very popular park, and the Narrows is one of the most popular hikes there. So starting early is a must, if you hope to avoid the crowds. It is well worth it for the stunning views! 🙂

  • Raghav

    I’m not much of an adventure traveller, but hiking is something I have always enjoyed. I used to be the president of the Hiking Club in my college, and although I have some health issues, it is an activity that is almost meditational. I especially like how you get to be in the water so much. Great tips by the way.

  • Courtney Hopkins

    This looks like a gorgeous hike. I too love the red cliffs in Zion, but did not know about this hike. It looks really fun going through the water, i don’t think i have done any hike similar to this.

    • Leah

      It was so pretty! Definitely a must-see at Zion! I haven’t done another hike like this either. I would love to find more like it around the world.

  • Lisa

    You know I’m by no means an adventure traveler or hiker, but you’ve convinced me to give this a go. That’s a long shuttle ride (!) to reach the narrows, but what an awesome landscape. I’ve never been to any US national park (yet) but won’t forget this one. Thanks for the clothing tips too, it’s so important to remember!

    • Leah

      Yes- definitely try this one! It is worth it, and you’ll never forget this fun experience! And yes, the shuttle ride is long, but it is because Zion is such a large park. So much to do and see there!

  • Vaisakhi Mishra

    Yet to visit Zion, but would love to hike the Narrows after reading you post. Looks so much fun!! Great tips about clothing and shoes, it is so important to be comfortable yet conscious. I was surprised you chose wool socks, but guess it makes sense, given they would provide padding against sharp rocks. Beautiful pictures btw! 😀

    • Leah

      Yes- so important to plan ahead for this type of hike! I agree that wool seems like an odd choice, but they were perfect for protecting my feet and not letting rocks in. Glad you enjoyed the photos! 🙂

  • Clarice

    Awesome tips and very helpful for beginners. We haven’t been to Zion but we’ll include this on our list. My husband and I also love hiking and we try to take trips as often as we could.

    Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

  • Paul

    There are so many great national parks in the US I need to explore but Zion is high on the list. This hike looks incredible, definitely something I’d love to do. Thanks for all the tips, very helpful when planning a hiking expedition in this amazing area.

  • Yukti

    Zion National park really looks worth visiting with stunning narrow gorges. It is good that they have shuttle system and that too free in the park. I am not very adventurous type so, I would take 1 mile trip. Thanks for sharing all tips.

  • Angelica Kajiwara

    This looks like so much fun! It is on our list when we head out in our fifth wheel. We do travel with three little ones, so I’ll keep my expectations low for the distance we’ll cover. Thanks for sharing your adventure!

  • Margie

    Hiking the Narrows is on my bucket list! Your pictures are beautiful and your tips for how to hike the Narrows at Zion are spot on. Thanks.

  • Amanda

    This hike is very high on my bucket list – we went last Nov with our then 3 and 7 year old and it was colder and we chose to come back for the narrows hike. We hiked the riverwalk trail to the start of the water part though 😉

    • Leah

      River hikes tend to be my favorite! They are beautiful, cool, and unique! This is the only time I’ve done a hike that was 100% in the river though, rather than just river crossings. 🙂

  • Jocelyn

    Oh how I wish we would have been able to hike the Narrows when we were last in Zion, but it was way too cold and too early in the year. It has always intrigued me, so maybe once we get back to the West our kids will be old enough and we can all do it together! Saving this for future reference for sure.

  • Rich Teter

    Those are some really beautiful pictures. I like that you included so many! I would love to get out there as you two did. Traveling is something we all need to do more of, don’t you think?

  • Lisa

    Thanks for the tips. We did a very quick trip to Zion many years ago and really want to return and this is one hike I have high on my bucket list.

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