How to Spend 6 Days in England -I'm excited to share our experience with you. We visited London and Bath. If you're interested in how to spend 6 days in England, keep reading!
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How to Spend 6 Days in England: London and Bath Itinerary

How to Spend 6 Days in England -I'm excited to share our experience with you. We visited London and Bath. If you're interested in how to spend 6 days in England, keep reading!

Are you planning a trip to England? It is a popular trip destination- for good reason! My husband and I visited England as part of a two week trip across the pond (we also spent time in Ireland). I fell in love with it, and I’m excited to share our experience with you. If you’re interested in how to spend 6 days in England, keep reading! (Note: We were technically in England for longer, but I’m focusing on our non-full-travel days in this post.)

We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post. We only recommend products and services that we love!

We decided to spend our time in London and Bath on this trip (but you can read about our time in the Lake District here).

We went during the month of June and were able to hit a lot of London and Bath’s major highlights, but we also took our time and stopped to smell the roses (literally – in Hyde Park!). We were intentional when planning this trip, and we loved the way it turned out. We wanted to see a lot, but we didn’t want to rush around so much that we couldn’t enjoy the little moments. We chose 2-3 major activities or attractions per day, then we took our time and filled in the gaps.

How to Spend 6 Days in London and Bath, England

Day 1 – London Itinerary

Putney High Street

We landed at Heathrow Airport in the late afternoon. By the time we made it through customs and collected our luggage, it was evening and time to meet our vacation home host. We stayed on Putney High Street, which we loved. The tube was a short 5 minute walk away, and we loved the area. We ate at Gourmet Burger Kitchen and enjoyed walking around the neighborhood before turning in early.

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Where to stay near Putney High Street, London

You might also be interested in: Tips for Visiting London with a Toddler (or a Baby)

Buckingham Palace & the Changing of the Guards

We went to Buckingham Palace to grab a great spot for the Changing of the Guard Ceremony at Buckingham Palace. This was something that I wanted to see since I was a little girl, and I loved checking it off my bucket list on the first day!

Pro Tip: Arrive early! We arrived about 25 minutes before it started, and we had a front front row view of the ceremony. It was crowded (not something I would recommend to people who struggle with claustrophobia!) – but something I am glad I have witnessed at least once in my life!

An Adventure is Calling London Itinerary

Buckingham Palace Road & Hyde Park

We took our time enjoying Buckingham Palace Road before heading over to Hyde Park. We loved every minute of the beautiful walk and gorgeous flowers in the park.

Fun Tip:  This guided bike tour will allow you to see several amazing sites in London, including the park, and will help you avoid crowds.

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The British Museum

We enjoyed the British Museum for a couple of hours in the afternoon. To be honest, it was a little warm inside (no AC), so paired with our jet leg, we weren’t as awake as we would have liked! When you visit this museum, you’ll want to make time for the Rosetta Stone and Parthenon Marbles. They are both beautiful!

The London Eye

That evening we grabbed tickets for the London Eye. This was something we both wanted to do, and we are glad we decided to splurge a little to make it happen. We loved the beautiful views of London and overall loved our experience.

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Day 2- London Itinerary

Notting Hill & Portobello Market

We started our 2nd day in London at Portobello Market in Notting Hill. Exploring Portobello Road was near the top of my must-do list, and it did not disappoint! We loved the peaceful walk through Notting Hill. Talk about beautiful homes! The market itself was crowded, and most vendors did not appreciate it when tourists took photos of their inventory without making a purchase, so I avoided that. We bought some delicious street food, a few little souvenirs, and a cute dress for me. We took our time at the market and then explored the side streets more on our way out. We could have spent all day enjoying those lovely streets! It sprinkled a little bit, but we didn’t mind!

Pro Tip: Notting Hill is arguably one of the most beautiful spots in London, so consider booking a local photographer to capture your memories! We are personally big fans of Flytographer and have used their services in several cities around the world (you can read about some of our experiences here and use my  link to save up $25 on your first photo shoot). You can also book a professional travel photographer/tour guide here, which looks like another wonderful, high-rated option.

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Kensington Palace & Gardens

Then we headed to Kensington Palace- one of the highlights of our trip! We loved exploring the palace, but our favorite memories were actually spent outside enjoying the gardens. So many people skip this portion of the palace, but it was peaceful and something we wouldn’t want to have missed!

Fun Tip: Considering booking a Royal High Tea at Kensington Palace for a unique, upgraded experience!

4 Days in London - An Adventure is Calling

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Pro Tip: When you leave the palace, I highly recommend exiting on Kensington Palace Gardens. This is the street that runs on the west side of the palace, and it is gorgeous (it is the most expensive street in Great Britain). Photos are not allowed to be taken on this street. Stroll slowly and enjoy the beautiful embassies and residencies. They are truly breathtaking.

Westminster Abbey

That evening we enjoyed an Evensong service at Westminster Abbey. It was beautiful and fully lived up to our expectations!

Pro tip:When visiting places of worship, attend an actual service. This can save you money on the admission fee (we always give donations but do not need an admission ticket), and you get to truly experience the Abbey (or Cathedral, etc.) in all its beauty. Note that you are not allowed to take photos inside.

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Big Ben & the House of Parliament

It took us awhile to make our way to the Abbey, because there was a large political protest going on nearby. Several metro stations were shut down. We originally planned to do the “Westminster Walk” before heading to the Abbey, but we didn’t have time. The protests had mostly fizzled out by the time the service was over, so we walked over to see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

You might also be interested in: Visiting London for the Second Time

Day 3- London Itinerary

St. Paul’s Cathedral

We started our 3rd day in London by attending mass at St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was beautiful! (Photos are not allowed inside.) After visiting several cathedrals and abbeys throughout the UK and Ireland, I can happily report that this is my favorite (we returned here on our second trip to London too!). I love the light colors and natural sunshine that flows through the windows of the Cathedral in the morning.

Pro Tip:I mentioned this earlier, but I’ll say it again, because it’s one of my favorite tips for visiting places of worship abroad. Considering attending an actual service. This will give you a true experience and will save you admission costs (donations are appreciated).

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Kew Palace & Gardens

After church, we headed by metro to Kew Palace and Gardens, which is located in Richmond, just outside of London. When I researched royal palaces before our trip, it was obvious that many people skip Kew Palace (likely because it is outside the city and easily turns into a day trip). I was fascinated by its history (this is where King George III spent his days after losing the American Colonies) and the beautiful photos of the gardens, and I knew we needed to make it a priority.

There were a fair share of people there that day (it was also Father’s Day), but it was not crowded at all. We loved exploring the castle and the treetop walk in the gardens. We spent the rest of the day there, enjoying their cafes, and exploring the grounds. There is so much see, so be sure to schedule at least half of day here if you add it to your itinerary. Overall, this was one of my favorite destinations on our trip to London.


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You might also be interested in: Visiting London for the Second Time and Tips for Visiting London with a Toddler (or a Baby).

Day 4- London Itinerary

Tower of London

On our last day, we enjoyed one final full English breakfast at the cute bistro underneath our hotel. We got an early start at the Tower of London, where we started with the Crown Jewels (and beat the crowds!). This day was uncharacteristically warm in London (mid 80s F), so we appreciated the air conditioning!

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Tower Bridge

After, we enjoyed walking across the Tower Bridge and then did some clothes shopping in Cheapside. We purposely waited to shop until our last day, so that we didn’t add too much to our luggage at the beginning of our trip.

Pro Tip: Do what we did on our second trip to London, and go inside Tower Bridge to walk across the glass floor over the River Thames.

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You might also be interested in: The Lake District for Families

Day 5- Bath Itinerary

Traveling from London to Bath

We left by train for Bath from Paddington Station at 7:30am. The train was absolutely packed. We spent the 1st hour of the trip standing with our luggage in between train cars, before train seats opened up (it was totally our fault for leaving London at rush hour!). We loved the passing view of the English countryside from the train, and decided that we would love to eventually road trip through England (which we did on our next trip! Read about that here!).

Our Cottage in the Village of Southstoke

We arrived in Bath at 10:25am and headed straight to our vacation rental (which unfortunately isn’t listed anymore, but you can fine other amazing rentals in Bath here). We wanted to drop off our luggage before heading to downtown Bath. Our adorable cottage was located in the village of Southstoke, a couple miles outside of Bath. Our host sent us suggestions for getting there, which including walking directions and bus directions. We opted to walk there, because the directions said it was just two miles from the train station. We thought we would enjoy the beautiful views and cobblestone streets, and then take the bus back into Bath later. We never found out what happened exactly- but the walk was much longer than 2 miles, and it took us almost 3 hours total (which included a 1 hour lunch break stop to refuel). (When we met our hosts later that night, they were shocked when we told them that we had walked there and had no idea that their check-in instructions gave that recommendation.)

Our feet were sore and we couldn’t wait to dump our luggage (thankfully, we traveled with backpacks!), but we knew it was all worth it once we crested the hill into Southstoke. We felt like we has stepped back in time a couple hundred years. We immediately fell in love with our destination. The overall hike was totally unexpected, and we missed our 2pm walking tour of Bath as a result, but we still laugh about our adventure. It made our overall trip to Bath more memorable, and we loved the gorgeous countryside views along the way. That being said- we learned a valuable lesson. We will always map walking directions/distance on our own before we head somewhere on foot again. 🙂

Where to stay in Bath, UK


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Our cottage was an adorable little garden hut with a magical, breathtaking view. Unfortunately, our hosts moved shortly after our stay, so this hut isn’t available for rent anymore. But I highly recommend looking into Southstoke for other accommodations. Downtown Bath is wonderful, but it did not beat the gorgeous views in Southstoke.

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The Bath Abbey & Tower Tour

After enjoying the peaceful view in the country for awhile and freshening up, we walked to the nearby bus stop and rode back into town (and laughed about how quick and easy the trip was). Since we missed our walking tour, we headed straight to the Bath Abbey for a late afternoon Tower Tour. It was incredible! The Abbey itself was immaculate.

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On the Tower Tour, we climbed several flights of stairs, learned about the history of the Abbey, and climbed behind the clock. The tour ended with the most incredible view of Bath from the Abbey’s rooftop. If you are able to climb stairs and are ok with some tight spaces, I highly recommend this tour!

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The Abbey Church Yard & Dinner

By the time our tour was over, most of Bath was closed up for the evening (museums, shops, etc.). We enjoyed ice cream in the Abbey Church Yard (a large courtyard) and strolled the streets before eating dinner at “Lamb & Lion” (bangers and mash, anyone?).

You might also be interested in: A Day in Bath, England: How to Spend 24-36 Hours

Day 6- Bath Itinerary

The Roman & Medieval Baths

The next morning, we went to the Roman and Medieval Baths (you probably don’t want to miss this if Bath is on your itinerary). This is what makes Bath famous (and gives it its name). We spent a few hours here, enjoying the history. While it wasn’t the highlight of our trip to Bath, we did love it. It’s a must-see in Bath!

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Boating on the River Avon

After lunch, we went to the Bath Boating Station and rented a Victorian-style wooden rowboat. We spent two glorious hours on the River Avon. If you enjoy boating of any kind (canoeing, kayaking, etc.), then I cannot recommend this experience enough! It doesn’t make the list for most tourists, but we always seek out these opportunities when we travel, and they make up our favorite memories. My husband did most of the rowing while I steered us. I really cannot put into words how peaceful, beautiful, and romantic the whole experience was.

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Pulteney Weir & Bridge

We spent the rest of our evening exploring Pulteney Weir and Bridge and the beautiful homes/streets in the city. Again, the attractions and business in Bath close early, so we soaked up as much of the outdoor beauty of the city as we could before heading back to our garden hut for one final night.


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Looking for more inspiration for your trip to England? Check out this post on the Lake District!

We loved our trip to England and are happy with the itinerary decisions that we made. I hope you found our 6 day itinerary helpful! If you’ve been to England, I would love to hear your travel tips!

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How to Spend 6 Days in England Itinerary An Adventure is Calling


  • Trish

    london is one of my favourite places to visit. I’ve been to so many of these sites a few times and never get bored. one thing i haven’t done is boating the river avon, that looks like it was lovely! thank for sharing your great trip! xoxo

  • Ryan

    Being an Englishman myself, I have to say that, although London is great, it doesn’t show you the true England! You need to broaden the trio and visit the beautiful beaches and seaside towns in Cornwall; Dartmoor in Devon with its spectacular panoramic views; the multicultural city of Birmingham; Kent, the garden of England; the Lake District in the North and the flat marshlands of East Anglia. York city is also beautiful. London is often scene as ‘England,’ along with Bath, but they really are only the beginning. Most people living in the UK haven’t even been to London!
    You’d be more more than welcome to come and stay with us in Cornwall. It’s a beautiful county with much history and stunning sea and landscapes. 😀

    • Leah

      Thank you for the input! We are heading back to England soon and are going to several of the places you mentioned! I am especially looking forward to visiting the Lake District during our next trip. 🙂

  • Lauren

    We have a plan to visit England in the next couple of years to celebrate my mom’s 75th birthday! Pinning for future reference! Thanks for getting me even more excited for the trip!

  • Nancy Hann

    Thank you Leah for all these great ideas! I haven’t been to London for more than a long layover, but I hope to get to England for an extended visit soon. The more I see, the more I know I’ll love it. This will be very helpful in our planning.

  • Kim Baker

    Daughter moved to london 2017 best way to see london is walk all.over.we love york.trains anywhere.just looking out window.the people have always been polite.every yr i take diff family to see it this yr 4of us going for queens jubilee

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